Funeral Arrangements

All of us, at some point in our lives, will be faced with the death of a loved one. It is a fact of life that none of us can ignore. The death of a loved one can be very traumatic, the sudden loss of that person and the hole their death leaves in your family, will never be filled. For the majority of families when a death occurs, you are left wondering what to do, where to go and who to turn to. This is the time when you need all the help and support you can get.
All you need to do is to contact us and we will do all we can to answer any questions or worries that you may have.
As soon as you have informed us of the passing of your loved one we will arrange to take them into our care. Please be assured that your loved one will be treated with the same respect and dignity that we would show our own family.
We can then arrange to either make an appointment with you at our premises or, if you so wish, we could see you in the comfort of your own home. We will guide you through every aspect of arranging a funeral and respect any wishes you may have.
If a different Funeral Director / Undertaker has already transferred your loved one to their premises, you can still use a different firm to deal with the funeral arrangements. The Company you contact will then arrange to take your loved one into their care and transfer them to their own premises.
We can also offer a full Repatriation Service for your loved one.
Questions to Consider

When dealing with the funeral arrangements of a loved one there are some important questions to consider. We will provide you with all the help and support you need.
- Cremation or burial
- Where the service will be held
- Hymns and/or music
- Family cars
- Viewing of loved ones
- Printed funeral notice cards & order of service
- Arranging of floral tributes
- Donations to desired charity
- Newspaper announcments & acknowledgement
- Reception venue / catering